by Tony DeLorger
This is Tony DeLorger’s 3rd book of poetry, and this time with over 800 poems he explores the human condition in a variety of poetic forms including prose, narrative, inspirational, lyrical, comical and satirical works. Unwilling to be tied down to one genre he explores with tenacity, the realities of life and human nature, sometimes with a sting, sometimes with a giggle, but always with a sense of vision and hope.
With few exceptions the poetry was written over a two year period and has not been collated or indexed in the belief that the reader is better served by the variety of styles and expression used to validate each individual work.
The work guides you through whimsy to the esoteric, philosophical and humorous always attempting to strip bare the secrets of life in a positive, thought-provoking manner.
‘You are quite literally a writer's writer and so very eloquent with words as if they were your best friends and they were delighted to be in your esteemed company. You are also quite simply a poet's poet as well and everything you write is so sublime, intelligent, deep and profound. Amen to you sir, Tony.’
Colin Stewart, fellow poet.
‘This masterful piece of art, expressed in words, offer the colours of a poets heart. They bring forth meanings, beauty, darkness, pasts, futures and seers of the future of mankind. They are voices crying in the wilderness and deep crevices of their minds. The poet is what you are sir, and I appreciate your art that you share with us from your keyboard. Tap, tap into the day and night, let your soul pour forth, your anxious readers await your next work.’
Vincent Moore, fellow poet.
660 pages, softcover