edited by Jude Aquilina, John Pfitzner and Russ Talbot
Since 2002 Poets Corner, part of the Effective Living Centre, Wayville, South Australia, has provided a forum for poetry lovers to hear local poets speak about and read their work, which in turn has stimulated people to write poetry themselves. Out of this celebration of metaphorical, creative language this anthology has emerged. It contains the work of thirty-six poets, some of them established poets with years of writing experience, others newcomers to this exacting craft.
But in time,
in the season of a new brave heart,
tender green shoots appear –
life emerges out of the desolation.
from New Hope by Lorraine Merton
‘The poems gathered in this marvellous new collection…sing the familiar in new ways... They invite us into the communion of a larger and truer vision of ourselves and others than we’d known before.’
from the Foreword by Professor Mark S Burrows
‘Poetry is the art of intensification, calling us to pause and notice what is most meaningful yet often overlooked. This book offers an abundance of fine examples of pausing with a “poet’s mind” and rising, re-awakened and refreshed. I am confident it has been a joy for the poets to write it; it’s a joy also to read it.’
Reverend Dr Stephanie Dowrick, author of In the Company of Rilke
118 pages softcover.