by Colin Woodcroft
Living with Parkinson’s Disease is a book written by a new author, Colin Woodcroft about his dealings with Parkinson’s disease since he was diagnosed with it. It is a positive, uplifting book that gives information about the disease, but is more of a book that deals with how the disease has affected him and how he deals with the day to day problems associated with it.
The author tells: ‘When I hang the clothes on the line I just about have to put on sunscreen because I am out there for so long’. He also warns: ‘Don’t volunteer to be the writer in a trivia night- you will be the only one who can read your answers’.
This book is not just for sufferers of the disease and their families, but for anyone who just likes a good read. The style that it is written in allows any reader to access and enjoy the book without getting lost in a lot of medical explanations.
Colin Woodcroft’s second book is an inspiring insight into a disease that has no cure and is quite devastating in its latter stages.
42 pages softcover