A classic looking calendar that is well suited to displaying your favourite photographs in an elegant format. Your contact details may be added to each page.
Modern Compressed
This calendar has a sharp, contemporary look. There is an option for contact details to be added to each page.
Straight Edge With Logo
Straight Edge also allows for corporate identity and information. Its type style presents a clean and contemporary feel, making it an ideal choice for self promotion or business services..
Black Designs
Black Modern Compressed
Nothing frames a photograph like a black border. With the choice of a classic script or the modernistic compressed look
Black Flourished Script With Logo
Nothing attracts the eye like colour and each of this year’s calendar offerings give you a wide range of colours from which to select for each month.
Car Club
Car Club Street
The ‘Street’ is a contemporary calendar design which has proven popular for a number of years with a variety of car clubs, be they modern or classic.
Wall Calendar Saddle Stitched Designs
Flourished Script
Note - preview is of a wire bound print
A classic looking calendar that is well suited to displaying your favourite photographs in an elegant format. Your contact details may be added to each page.
Straight Edge With Logo
Note - preview is of a wire bound print
Straight Edge also allows for corporate identity and information. Its type style presents a clean and contemporary feel, making it an ideal choice for self promotion or business services..