100% Satisfaction Guarantee


We hope you'll love your photo book or canvas print, but in case you're not happy with the quality, we will give you a 100% refund.

Only one copy of a book is covered by our refund policy as we recommend you purchase one book prior ordering multiple books or copies.

Refund policy

If for any reason you are not happy with the quality of your book or canvas, please return it to 135 Gilles Street, Adelaide SA 5000. We will require a written reason for requesting a refund along with the invoice and your user name and password. All products must be returned in order to get a refund.

Resons for a refund

Print quality, book finishing or damge is the only reason for a refund. 

Delays in the delivery causing your order not to arrive within the recommended delivery times are not a valid reason for a refund.

Your Care

We take care in producing your products but please check your artwork as we don't cover spelling mistakes, duplicate images, type sizing or the quality of the images when they were taken or uploaded. Any incorrect or insufficient address details that may cause delays in your delivery are not a reson for a refund.

Products covered by this guarantee

The 100% guarantee applies to the full range of photo books and canvas prints only. Only one item is covered by the refund policy.