
Fantastic Family Photo Books

Fantastic Family Photo Books

The process of creating photo books used to be difficult.  However, thanks to the computer age, creating digital photo books is extremely easy.  All you have to do is sit down at your computer, use some simple software to choose a layout for your book, and then print off copies yourself or have them professionally printed.  Here are 5 fantastic family photo books that you can try.


Books of Fun and Games: 

Another fun project, which you can get your kids to help you with, is creating a digital photo book of fun and games.  Take pictures of your kids at their most creative points, whether that is building a tower out of blocks, painting a picture, playing in the yard, or anything else that they find fun.  Then, turn those creative photos into pages in a photo book.  You can add dates and captions to each picture.  That way, when your kids are grown up, they can look back fondly on all of the fun times they had when they were younger.


Guess the Object Books:

Are you looking for a fun project to give your kids on a rainy day?  Well, just make a couple of guess the object photo books ahead of time.  Then you can pull them out whenever the kids need something to do.  To make such a book all you need to do is take a few close up shots of things around your house.  Make one page of the book a picture and the next page a caption saying what the picture is, or make all the pages pictures and just tell your kids the right answers when they guess.


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Quick Tips for Making Digital Photo Books

Quick Tips for Making Digital Photo Books


If you are interested in preserving family memories, there is no better way to do that than with a digital photo book.  In the old days, you used to have to keep photographs in boxes or take the time to arrange them in scrapbooks and albums, but today you can do all the organization in a fraction of the time on your computer.  Here are some quick tips for making digital photo books.


Preserve Your Favorite Memories:


Start by creating photo books using older family pictures.  You can scan them right into your computer.  Then simply use the software provided by the print company to organize the photos on each page.  A few quick menu selections can allow you to create custom borders and backgrounds for each image.  You can also add names, dates, and captions to the images.  So, your descendants for years to come will each know where the picture was taken, when it was taken, and who was in it.


Preserving your favorite memories in such a way is good for many reasons.  First, it can save space.  Since all the images will be computerized, you won't need to keep boxes and bags of loose photographs all over your house.  Second, it can preserve the images themselves and protect them from water, fire, and general wear.  Third, it can keep them organized and available to all members of your family to be printed out as each person needs or wants them.  You can even pull various images to create new digital photo books for certain special occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries.


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5 Creative Photo Book Ideas

5 Creative Photo Book Ideas


If you want to make fun digital photo books, you aren't alone.  Digital photo books are a major trend these days.  Not only does storing your pictures on the computer preserve them, but it also makes it easy to organize all of your photos into unique and fun digital photo books that you and your family members can enjoy.  In fact, most professional photo book printing services will provide software that makes the process of creating a digital photo book extremely easy.  All you have to do is decide on a theme for your book and then follow the simple instructions to make your vision come to life.


Unfortunately, it's not always easy to choose a photo book theme, especially if you have thousands of family photographs to pick from.  However, there's no need to get overwhelmed.  Here are 5 creative photo book ideas to help you decide.


Kids Books:


If there are kids in your family, you can use digital photo books to create books that are specifically designed to keep them entertained, and even to help them learn.  For example, you could create a book that tells a story about something that happened in your family using photographs.  You could also take photographs of different objects to use in a counting book, alphabet book, or book to teach kids about colors, shapes, or any other themes that you can come up with.  The possibilities are practically endless.


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5 Fun and Fabulous Photo Books

Photo books make excellent keepsakes.  You can design them around all sorts of interesting themes.  You can even make photo books that remind friends or family members of certain events, such as trips or birthdays.  Here are 5 fun and fabulous photo books to get you started.



Recipe Books:


One of the most useful photo book ideas is the recipe book.  Instead of keeping disorganized books of recipes, or small cards that can easily get damaged or lost, why not combine your favorite recipes in a photo book format?  That way you can also include pictures of you and your family making or eating them.  You can even get your kids and other family members to help you create the book.  Then you can have copies printed for friends and family members as well.


A variation of that idea is that you could have family members and friends across the country or the globe e-mail you pictures of themselves, along with their favorite recipes.  The result will be a cookbook containing recipes from around the country, or around the world.  You can refer to it whenever you want to try a new and interesting recipe, or be reminded of a favorite relative or friend.


Pet Books:


Pet books are also fun photo books.  You can include pictures of your pets playing, or of various family members with your pets.  A pet photo book can be a good way to remember a pet once they are gone.  You could even make a photo book containing pictures of every pet that your family has ever had.  Your family members will love looking through the pages and remembering all the good times with their fluffy (or scaly) friends.

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Baby Thank You Cards for Multiples

Baby Thank You Cards for Multiples


When you find out you are expecting multiples, you may be temporarily overwhelmed. However, as time passes, you will be more than ready to welcome two, three, or even four, new babies into your home. Friends and family will likely be just as excited about your multiple arrival, and will shower you with baby essentials and other fun gifts as well. One of the best ways to thank your friends and family is to send them a personalized thank you card featuring none other than your adorable new family. 


Ordering Baby Thank You Cards for Multiples From Us


We make it easy to order high-quality, personalized thank you cards right from the comfort of your own  home. With a variety of thank you cards to choose from, we will make it easy for you to create a truly unique and memorable card. We even prefold the cards for you, and send you matching envelopes too. Whether you have all girl multiples, boy multiples, or a combination of the two, we have colors and themes that will match the occasion perfectly. To ensure that your thank you cards are truly personal, the inside of every card is blank, which makes it perfect for your own handwritten message.


Themes for Baby Thank You Cards for Multiples 


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