Tips For Those With a Small Budget and No Time to Spare!
The simplest and quickest book can be an album featuring one or two photos per page and including a minimum amount of text. If you have more time or want to create an even more personalized digital album, have fun with embellishing your pages, playing with the layout, expanding your album by adding pages, and adding extra text to the pages you have made. If you want a quick and inexpensive project then the smallest format of softcover photo books is for you.
If you are working with a small budget, choose a softcover album and keep the number of pages to a minimum—usually a photo book will come with a certain number of pages already formatted and ready to use. Simply choose a theme you like for your pages, slide in your photos, and add some titles and text. If you want a more durable gift—something you imagine the recipient will keep with him or her for many years—then a hardcover book is a better option. I usually use smaller soft cover albums as gifts for my children to celebrate informal events—a dance recital, for example, or a party or special weekend away with friends. When I am working on a more important present then I almost always use hardcover, since it will stand the test of time as it is flipped through and enjoyed by the recipient or the family again and again over the years.